Peak 2015 was attended by over 6000 scouts from all over the world, read what Ripley and Codnor got up to!
Peak 2015 Day 2
Our sixties subcamp weren’t on the main activities today. Instead we were competing in sports competitions. We had a team in the football and wheelchair basketball. After the football had finished a helicopter was spotted in the air. Bringing UK…
Peak Day 1
The tents are set up and beds set up. This was our first day at Peak 2015. After we’d all set up the Scouts went off exploring the site and meeting new people around us. Along the Peak Way…
Setting up the mess tent
Leaders from Ripley and Codnor have been up to our campsite on Peak and set up the cooking tent and mess tent. They’ll be back again tomorrow to set up the rest of the sleep
Keeping Up To Date With Peak 2015
With not long to go until Peak 2015 below are the ways that you can keep up to date with what we get up to while at camp! Through the Peak 2015 page you will be able to see everything…
Peak Sub Camp Announced
For the Scouts off to Peak 2015 this summer, our sub camp placement has been announced! We’ll be in the Sixties Sub Camp at this years peak. You can find more information about the sub camp on the Peak Camp…