It’s that time of year again where some of you might be setting yourself a New Year’s Resolution. Why not make yours to Volunteer!
1st Ripley is a growing Group, and we’re growing fast! We have doubled in size over the past 5 years and predicted to reach well over 100 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts during 2018! To help us continue offering fantastic activities and delivering Skills for Life we really could do with some extra adult help.
You may ask yourself, what will I get out of Scouting?
Scouting offers you the chance to have to build on personal skills like teamwork, confidence, and leadership. A study found that over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives. You can also gain externally recognised skills through our amazing training scheme, and you’re guaranteed to have a brilliant time!
What might I be doing?
We have some really exciting opportunities for new volunteers at the moment, you could become an activity hero with our Beavers, Cubs or Scouts where you help our Young People learn new skills from circus skills, to photography and have a great time in the process.
Maybe you’d be up for helping to organise a fundraising event to help us provide the Young People with the funds to take part in fantastic activities and camps.
Or perhaps you could join our Committee who help to manage the Groups administration, finances, and building.
These are just a few of the roles we have available and we can find a role to meet anyone’s requirements you don’t have to make a weekly time commitment, it could be monthly, termly, or annually.
This Sounds Brilliant! How Can I Get Involved?
It couldn’t be simpler! Just drop us an email at and we’ll get back to you ASAP.