Smart turnout for Ripley Scouts as they remember those who lost their lives in service.
Badge Bonanza – Over 250 badges awarded at Presentation Evening
Over 250 badges presented at 1st Ripley’s 2022 Presentation evening.
2020 | Covid 19 | Return to Face to Face Cubs
Our first face to face meetings during Covid 19.
Falcon Pack’s Year in Review
It’s been a fantastic year full of fun, adventure, and Cubs100. Read about Falcon Packs busy 2016!
National Scout Car Races 2016
Another great year at the National Scout Car Races in York.
Falcon Pack June 2016
A trip in the new minibus to Trent Lock to go kayaking kept Falcon Pack busy in June.
Falcon Pack May 2016
Camping at Walesby, and a Chippy Hike were just a few of the activities Falcon pack have been up to this month
Monday at Walesby
The Cubs final day at Walesby Forest’s Cubs100 camp.
Sunday at Walesby
A day of packed activities at Walesby Forest Activity Centre for Cubs100.
Saturday at Walesby
Find out what 1st Ripley and 1st Erewash Cubs got up to during their second day at Walesby Forest’s Cubs100 camp.